Loss and Grief Counseling in Santa Monica

Loss is, unfortunately, inevitable in life. It can range from losing someone you love, to waning health, or a dream that is unfulfilled. Grief is natural but the process of grieving is actually learned. The process of grieving is necessary for healing to take place but it can be quite difficult to go through alone.

Grief can make you feel isolated, trapped in sadness, regret,and longing. If you have been through a loss and are feeling grief is engulfing you, you might need counseling. The professional grief counselors at Santa Monica Christian Counseling are compassionate and devoted. They can help you find healing, hope,and peace.

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Loss, Grief, And Bereavement

One of the most difficult things in life is suffering the loss of someone you love. Our lives are impacted greatly by those we love. They play a huge role in our identity which makes it next to impossible to picture existing without them. Whether your loss was a family member, child, spouse, friend, or maybe even a relationship, the loss can alter many aspects of your life.

Suffering a loss can manifest in many ways and it is experienced differently by everyone. Each of us reacts in our own individual way such as feeling guilty, angry, or sad. Bereavement is the term given to the grief that is associated with the loss of someone or something dear to us.

Reasons for grief can include:

  • A family member or spouse’s death.
  • Losing a friend you are close to.
  • A pet’s death.
  • Ending a love relationship.
  • Losing physical ability.
  • Major changes in your life.
  • Serious illness in yourself or someone you love.
  • Loss concerning a dream or a goal.

It is common to feel distant from God during times of loss. There may be doubts about His existence, and you may feel like you are suffering alone. Know that you are not alone. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you. He will comfort you and bring you through the darkness into His light.

At Santa Monica Christian Counseling, it is our belief that through faith in God and help from skilled and devoted counselors, you can work through your grief and suffering to a place of peace and healing.

Who Is Grief Counseling For?

Christ-focused grief counseling is for anyone who’s facing a struggle resulting from a loss. It can be quite difficult to deal with the physical symptoms, extreme emotions, and sometimes destructive and dangerous behaviors that are associated with loss and grief when you try to do it alone. The cycle can trap you and cause you to feel isolated, obsessed with thinking about nothing but your loss.

The loss of someone we love is painful for everyone. Some are able to adjust and cope with the emotions better than others. Others are ridden with confusion, fear, or guilt, and have difficulty functioning without their loved one. Christ-centered counseling for loss and grief can help you through the process.

Deciding whether you should seek help from a professional for your grief issues might leave you confused. Are you processing the loss healthily? When is it time to get help?

You should reach out to a counselor who specializes in loss and grief if you:

  • Feel there is no reason to continue your own life.
  • Feel you are responsible and blame yourself.
  • Have a feeling of disconnection.
  • Are becoming stuck in thoughts that spin.
  • Experience suicidal thoughts.
  • Are preoccupied with thinking of death.
  • Have trust issues.
  • Cannot conduct daily activities.

Santa Monica Christian counselors are experts in the area of loss and grief and offer you compassion and understanding while helping you deal with your loss while working through it at your own individual pace.

Understanding Behaviors And Thoughts Associated With Grief

The intense emotions caused by grief can have a strong impact on a person’s emotional and mental state. Sometimes, the effects are so intense that a person can lose their ability to function in daily life, partially or altogether.

Grief can taunt you with negative thoughts such as, “It’s my fault,” and, “I can’t go on. ”At Santa Monica Counseling, we can teach you to manage those destructive thoughts and break the cycle.

Grief-related thoughts can include:

  • I feel guilty that I wasn’t there.
  • His life was good.
  • It was too soon.
  • I am to blame.
  • At least he’s not in pain.
  • God, how could you take her?
  • At least he isn’t suffering.
  • Life has no point.

Behaviors related to grief may include:

  • Sharing your feelings with loved ones.
  • Wanting to be in the company of those you love.
  • Bouts of laughing and crying.
  • Busying yourself with such things as exercising, housework, and cleaning.
  • Remembering your loved one by finding ways to honor them.
  • Prolonged isolation.
  • Questioning God and feeling angry with Him.
  • Difficulty concentrating.

The Grieving Process

While everyone has their very own way of grieving, there is a process that takes place, however long or short. Some accelerate the process and resume their life as normal in six months or so. Some take a year or better and others never get through it because they remain stuck. There are people who fall back into sadness every now and then after the process.

Extenuating circumstances may aggravate the process such as if the death was sudden and unexpected. Regardless of your circumstance, our counselors are qualified to help you push through to a point of relief from the constant sadness and agony of your loss.

The Stages of Grief

There is a grief pattern that generally occurs with a loss.It varies from person to person but some main points usually remain constant within the normal process. The stages include:

  • Denial phase..
  • Feelings of anger.
  • The act of bargaining.
  • Degrees of depression.
  • Acceptance.

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Grief Simplified

Grief is a normal and natural process that is learned from others and in the community as well. The phases grief brings are natural too and are healthy for healing. With simple grief, there is a progression that moves forward.

Signs of Complicated Grief

Those individuals who become stuck in the process find themselves unable to take part in life as they normally did before the death. The disabling state produces no steps forward.

Some signs of complicated grief are:

  • Constant sadness.
  • Yearning for the loved one who passed.
  • Preoccupation with the death or the loved one.
  • Difficulty in embracing happy memories of the one they lost.
  • Loss of desire to do anything.
  • Anger and bitterness.
  • Avoidance of anything which brings the loved one to mind.

The reasons for complicated grief can vary greatly. A history of mental instability or depression can add to the problem and can make it more difficult to move forward. If you suspect you are depressed, our counseling center can help you.

Traumatic Loss: How to Deal with It

A traumatic loss happens when you lose a loved one tragically, violently or suddenly. That type of loss can be even harder than a natural death and can leave you in emotional, mental and physical pain. Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder may be present such as:

  • Reliving memories of the event through nightmares, flashbacks, and constant thoughts.
  • Avoiding places, events, or people that serve as reminders of the event that was so traumatic.
  • Being angry, jittery, or fearful and experiencing other senses of extreme emotions that may overwhelm you.
  • Difficulty getting to sleep and/or staying asleep.

While the loss of someone you love is difficult at best, when it happens in a traumatic way, the healing may seem impossible. It is not. We can help you work through the pain at Santa Monica Christian Counseling Center. In due time, you will find that life is livable and that you can be whole and even happy once more.

Perserverence Through Christ-Centered Counseling For Loss And Grief

Are negative thoughts overwhelming you in your grief? Christian counseling that focuses on loss and grief is available for helping you to work through those negative thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

The treatment is Christ-centered and may include group counseling or individual counseling. Sometimes, family counseling is needed if family members are struggling with the loss. Another service is trauma counseling which helps you work through an event that was trauma-filled.

At Santa Monica Christian Counseling, we are devoted and passionate where helping people is concerned. We will help you regain your life and find wholeness through Christ.

With Christian counseling for loss and grief can assist you in:

  • Accepting the reality of your loss.
  • Working through and understanding the grief you are experiencing.
  • Adjusting to life with the absence of your loved one.
  • Maintaining a connection to the lost loved one that is healthy.

There are a number of Christian counseling techniques available to help your grief recovery. Your counselor will be able to speak with you further about the loss and how your life is being affected by the grief.

You may be encouraged to:

  • Spend time with those you love.
  • Discover how to express grief in creative ways.
  • Find a way to honor the memory of your loved one.
  • Implement a good diet and exercise into your lifestyle.
  • Share about the loved one you lost and their impact on your life.
  • Set and work towards personal future goals.

There’s no uniform approach to Christ-focused counseling when it comes to loss and grief. That’s why the counselors at our office are available to meet the needs that are unique to you as an individual.

Through faith in Christ, there is healing and hope. We strive to use all the tools possible, including God’s Word, to walk with you through your sorrow and grief so you can experience healing and true peace.

Let Us Help You Get Through the Pain

If you have suffered a loss, you might feel afraid you will never get over it and feel like yourself again. It may seem like a hopeless situation now but know that the pain you are in the midst of will not last forever. To learn more about loss and grief counseling in Santa Monica, reach out to us online or by phone.

Christian Counseling FAQ For Loss And Grief

Coping with grief is something that is done at one’s own pace so each individual should be able to do so at their own pace. Feeling sad is natural so be patient with yourself. Healing will come in time. The trained counselors in Santa Monica can help you to work through the grieving process faster and will also provide you with valuable tools for coping with sadness in the future.

The ideal help for children lies in being there for them and allowing them to go at their own pace when working through their grief. If you’re experiencing a mutual loss, try talking together about your feelings. If you feel your child may be having an especially difficult time understanding the loss or is stuck in a grieving cycle, it may be wise to think about child-focused Christian counseling and/or Christian counseling for families.

Finding the Christian counselor who is right for you

In looking for a Christian counselor, you will want to make sure you only consider one who has experience in dealing with loss and grief issues. You will also want to take your individual situation into account such as whether the death was the result of trauma, you are suffering depression as well, and whether your family dynamics are being affected by the loss.

At Santa Monica Christian Counseling, detailed information is available on our website for each of the counselors, listing their areas of expertise so you can find one who is a fit for your unique needs.

Contact us today to begin the healing process.

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