Have you ever thought you couldn’t do something? Or maybe your situation would never get better? Or you’re stuck in a relationship without hope for change? It’s common to feel this way when things feel hard. Thinking this way can be evidence of a fixed mindset. That may not sound bad, but it often limits people, keeping them in the hard situation they face.
People get stuck in a fixed mindset for a variety of reasons. Past experiences or trauma can keep you trapped in a fixed mindset. A lack of healing, help, or hope also makes it easy to stay in a fixed mindset. Thinking and feeling this way may seem inevitable, but you can make changes that allow you to grow. Santa Monica Christian Counseling can support you in shifting from a fixed mindset to one of growth and possibility, helping you embrace healing and transformation.
3 Examples of How to Move from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset
Here are three examples of how you can shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
Example 1
Fixed mindset: I can’t do this.
When you think you can’t do something, you are limiting your potential. Often, thoughts like this become a self-fulfilled prophecy because you never find what you need to accomplish something. You are already convinced that you can’t do it, so why try?
One example of this is when learning a new skill. It is easy to give up when things get hard or uncomfortable. But if you do that again and again, you may miss out on good things that you could enjoy.
Growth mindset: I can try a different strategy.
While something may feel impossible or difficult, that doesn’t mean that it is. Instead of thinking you can’t do something, shift your mindset to the possibility of trying a different strategy. This brings freedom and opportunity. When you think about learning a new skill, for instance, giving yourself the chance to try a different strategy may result in acquiring a new skill you love.
Example 2
Fixed mindset: This work is good enough.
On the surface, this mindset doesn’t seem bad. Sometimes giving yourself the grace to do what seems good enough is important. When you develop this way of thinking in your life, however, it can prevent you from doing what you are truly capable of doing.
If you have something to do at school, it can be tempting to just do whatever you need to do to get the project done. But this may not be what is best for you.
Growth mindset: Is this my best work?
Instead of just doing what seems good enough, ask yourself if what you did is your best work. With the school project example, you can take a moment to think about whether you have done your personal best. Thinking about what you are capable of and putting forth your best effort allows you to use the gifts and talents God has given you to the best of your ability.
Example 3
Fixed mindset: This is too hard.
When people face difficult things, it can feel easy to give up. A fixed mindset that something is too hard prevents you from doing things. It can limit you and provide an excuse to give up. It is okay to recognize when something is too hard, but when it becomes a way of thinking whenever you face a challenge, it will limit you.
For example, in a hard relationship, it can be tempting to give up and end the relationship. But that may not always be the best thing for you or the other person.
Growth mindset: This may take some time and effort.
It is normal for things to take time and work to accomplish or make it through to the other side. In the relationship example above, recognizing that hard relationships take time and effort can provide the opportunity for you to work through whatever hard things you and the other person face.
Don’t stay stuck – reach for a growth mindset.
If you find yourself struggling with a fixed mindset you don’t have to stay there. A counselor can help you recognize areas that keep you stuck, identify the fixed mindset holding you back, and develop a strategy to shift your thinking to a growth mindset.
No matter what area of your life you are struggling with, you can move forward. Whether it is personal experiences, relationships, work/school, or something else, a counselor can work with you.
Reach out to this office to connect with a trained professional who can help. The counselors in this office will help you find the freedom you desire. You can move from stuck to free. Call us today. You can also reach out to a counselor at Santa Monica Christian Counseling for additional support.
“Watering the Plant”, Courtesy of Ave Calvar, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License; “Planthead Mural”, Courtesy of Ashkan Forouzani, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Yellow Flower”, Courtesy of Aaron Burden, Unsplash.com, CC0 License