The National Alliance on Mental Illness website offers this prayer for mental health: “O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your children who suffer with mental illnesses the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health and our concern into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Prayer has a role in every aspect of our lives, and that includes prayers for recovery when we are not whole in one area or another. Whether it’s praying for ourselves, a loved one, or the mental health providers who care for those dealing with mental health concerns, prayer can play a positive role. Prayer can also play a constructive role in bolstering a person’s mental and emotional health.
Prayer: What it is and How it Works
There are many ways of thinking about what prayer is, and it can be a little confusing because there are several ways to do it. Prayer can include spoken, silent, spontaneous, formulaic, or repetitive prayers. Some prayers are from a prayer book. Others come from the Psalms or parts of Scripture such as the ‘Our Father’ in Matthew’s gospel (Matthew 6:5-13).
Prayer is quite diverse. Some stand, sit, raise hands, clasp their hands, lie prostrate, or kneel. Some pray alone while others pray in groups. At the root of it, prayer is us communing with God. The Lord responds in many ways, but we are essentially laying ourselves bare before our creator when we pray. It’s a posture of humble trust.
One challenging question when it comes to prayer is “Does it work?” The answer to that depends on what one means by “work.” There’s no way to scientifically test whether prayer works because when you ask someone for help, there is always the chance that they will say “No.” The Lord knows what we need, but He also knows when we need it and how best to give it to us. The timing and means of His response are entirely in His wise hands.
Prayer works by helping us take a humble posture of dependence upon God. This includes His wisdom for when and how He chooses to respond to our needs. As C.S. Lewis once wrote, “I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.” As we pray, we allow God to shape the people we are and who we become. Prayer goes beyond simple petitions and responses.
Prayer for Mental Health and the Difference it Makes
When a person has a healthy understanding of who God is, that can lend prayer a particular efficacy. Knowing that the Lord is good, kind, loving, and protective, and praying to God with this understanding can be a source of strength and comfort for the person seeking the Lord in prayer. Such an understanding of who God is helps to lower the distress one experiences with issues such as stress, worry, fear, grief, anger, and anxiety.
Understanding God in a particular way helps a person feel not only secure in their relationship with God, but it often results in emotional comfort and a sense of ease or protection that comes through trust in God. One has a sense of connection to something bigger than themselves, which allows one to cope with difficulties and tackle challenges with a sense of purpose.
Not only that but in prayer, by naming one’s fears and deepest thoughts and feelings, one has a deeper awareness of what’s going on in their own life. Through prayer, a person can name their experiences, which helps in making moves to address those issues raised. As they address those challenges, a person can do so with a sense of calm and that they have support.
Prayer can also make a difference by helping a person see their situation or relationship in a different light. In line with what C.S. Lewis wrote, prayer can change us in remarkable ways. When a person comes before God to pray for someone in their life, the process of naming their feelings in light of who God is can help reduce feelings of anger toward the other, and it can make one more inclined to forgive.
Prayer can help with a range of situations and concerns, whether that’s lowering stress, helping heart health, reducing anxiety and the symptoms of depression, or calming worry and isolation. Prayer can have a positive effect and impact on one’s emotional well-being, including recovery from mental illness.
The powerful possibilities that prayer holds don’t necessarily imply that it functions as an alternative to professional mental health care. Rather, prayer is an effective supplement and accompaniment to conventional mental health treatment and wellness. Whatever you’re going through, a Christian counselor can help you by effectively integrating prayer into your treatment plan for a holistic healing journey.
Getting Support
If you would like to seek mental health services, please reach out to our office today at Santa Monica Christian Counseling. The Christian counselors in Santa Monica would be eager to come alongside you on a journey toward wholeness.
“Wheat”, Courtesy of Irina Iriser,, CC0 License