When people face major life transitions or want to make a change, a mentor and coach can offer them guidance. Some choose spiritual coaching as a way to make decisions and take action with their faith and values intrinsically connected.

You may wonder what spiritual coaching is and if it differs from Christian coaching. This article discusses the similarities and differences and how faith-based coaching can help you reach your goals.

The difference between Christian and spiritual coaching

Although people lump spiritual coaching with Christian coaching, the two have distinct differences. Both disciplines seek to guide clients to reach goals and become better versions of themselves while being true to their beliefs. Both coaching disciplines revolve around a higher power, whether that higher power is external, for example, God, or internal, for example, an inner power.

Spiritual coaching

The difference is that spiritual coaches guide clients to reach their goals while honoring their own wisdom and peace. It connects the client to their own spirituality. The client does not need to be religious or believe in Jesus Christ but in a higher power that could be inside of them.

Some spiritual coaches also use external tools like crystals in their approach. Other spiritual coaches rely more on nature to help ground the client with the natural world around them to feel more at peace as they pursue their goals.

Christian coaching

Christian counseling, on the other hand, connects clients with their faith in God and Jesus Christ. It uses faith-based principles to guide clients to clarify a vision and create a strategy. Every aspect of the coaching circles back to how this will deepen their relationship with Christ.

Scripture-based approaches work well with Christian coaching as they show the relevance of the Bible to the client’s pursuit of their goals and honoring their values. People choose Christian coaching when they want God to lead, but they need clarity on that vision. Sometimes, people feel a purpose or calling but cannot clarify. Coaching can bring that to the forefront.

How coaching can help you reach your goals

Both Christian and spiritual coaching help people reach their goals. The first step is to clarify the vision you see for yourself. Perhaps that means identifying your values, purpose, and calling in life and making sure they align with the goal you have set for yourself.

Next, you will choose one goal to work on and strategize the tasks to reach that goal. Your coach will help you to break down each task into manageable steps. You will work on one at a time, checking in with your coach and receiving feedback. Your coach can help you break through any mental roadblocks, as mindset shifts are critical to accomplishing goals.

Some people stay in Christian and spiritual coaching for months or years, depending on the coaching you need. You might seek a Christian perspective in the following areas:

  • Health and wellness.
  • Business.
  • Career.
  • Relationships.
  • Finances and building wealth.
  • Personal development.

Look for a certified life coach specializing in Christian or spiritual coaching to ensure they possess the appropriate training and experience.

Do you need Christian coaching?

If Christian coaching is your next step, contact our office today at Santa Monica Christian Counseling to schedule a session with a certified coach in Santa Monica, California. We would love to help you reach your goals while drawing closer to Christ.

“Country Lake”, Courtesy of Hans Isaacson, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License


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